Monday, April 21, 2008



Macadamia The Nut said...

Did YOU sketch this?

§ωατι §ετhι said...

@ Macadamia... Thanx

Sucharita Sarkar said...


An artist-cum-banker? Now that's pretty unusual. Went through all three of your blogs. Good stuff, but I guess your job does not leave you much time for posting frequently.

Do keep up the good work, though.

Anonymous said...

hmm...i see myself in this..gather what dear and precious.....moving to wards a new beginng...head a bit tilted cause of sadness and fear ......and the apprehension of the unknown...but feet strong and not stoppoing cause of the indominalbe enduring spirit....

§ωατι §ετhι said...

@ Samby...

Hmmm...I can understand how tough it must be for you to deal with all these changes in your life..
Destiny might play cruel games with you..but in the end its the enduring spirit that's going to win..fair and square..Have faith!!n keep walking!!
Yes..dont stop your feet!dont pause.. at times, its important to just walk..even when there isn't a clear destination..even when the road is unknown..
My best wishes are always with you :)

§ωατι §ετhι said...

@ Sucharita..
Thanks.. :)
Yeah.. I haven't been a regular blogger.. Trying to be..
Its either work or studies or my laziness that prevents me from posting regularly.. ;)